Fundraising Tips
Thank you so much for registering for the Calgary Icebreaker Polar Dip and supporting the SA Foundation.
Here are a few tips to help you maximize your fundraising potential!
1. It is important that you set a fundraising goal for yourself and share that goal with others! If we have 150 participants and each participant raised an average of $1000 we would reach our goal of raising $150,000.
2. Please click on the little pens when you are editing your fundraising page so that you can establish your fundraising goal, add a personal picture and stories (the photo on this page is an example of your fundraising page that you will be able to edit). Research shows that people who update their pages with personal stories of why they are supporting the cause raise between 7-18 times more than those who don’t!
3. Emailing your supporters is a great way to encourage giving. Make sure that you send out the email that is provided to you to garner more support! There is also a link to you personal fundraising page provided at the bottom of the "Personalize you Crowdfunding page" email you received.
4. Post your fundraising journey on social media as this is also proven to be an effective way to raise support and money. Tag us on it so that we can also cheer you on!
Remember there will be prizes for those who raise the most money!
If you have any questions at all, please reach out to
or call Jill at 403-835-3829, or Mel at 403-875-5111